Chefs demoing Tomato sauce and Marchand De Vin |
Good evening Food Diary and hungry Bloggers,
It is the continuation of our
sauces portion of class. Today we are making a modern demi-glace, which is stock reduced by 3/4 to make a thick flavorful sauce - this is mainly used as an ingredient to make other delicious sauces. With our demi-glace we made two sauces: Sauce Chasser - sauted mushrooms and shallots thrown in with white wine, reduced, then mixed with a demi-glace, diced tomatoes and chopped parsley. Sauce Marchand De Vin - Red wine and shallots reduced by 3/4, mixed with a demi-glace and simmered until nappe (nappe- thick and coats the spoon). From here we moved on to our tomato sauce (which is on of the mother sauces) and turned that into a Spaish sauce. Spanish sauce is made up of lightly sauted green bell peppers, garlic and mushrooms, mixed with the tomato sauce, salt, pepper, and Tabasco. I'm glad I brought my Tupperware today, because all of these sauces are delicious!!
Sauce Chasser |
Tasting Chefs finished sauce |
So class started out with our usual demo from the Chefs. But before the demoed they had us get our stock on the stove to start reducing it for the demi-glace (it takes quite a while). Then they showed us how to do everything; I took really good notes in hope that it would help me speed things up today(which it did!). Once they were done demoing we were off! I got my mise en place together and started on my tomato sauce.The tomato sauce, as simple as it sounds has a TON of ingredients and is pretty technical (who thought food would be technical? :) ). Despite the technicality, everything was smooth sailing for me. My tomato sauce was all mixed together, simmering, and tasting well. Time to move on...I checked the status of my demi-glace and it was ready to use, so I started the Marchand de Vin and Sauce Chasser. At htis point in time I was ahead of schedule and I felt really good about it. The Marchand de Vin was so easy, it took me 15 mins tops to get it finished and out to chef. She said it was "almost perfect, just needed a tiny bit more reducing."(YES!) Next was the sauce Chasser this one was also fairly easy, and is one of my favorite sauces we have made thus far! (so yummy!) So far I was 2 for 2! Lets make this an awesome day and get 4 for 4. When my tomato sauce was ready I showed it to Chef and got the OK to start my Spanish sauce. Our time window was getting smaller and smaller but I was almost done so I wasn't stressing. I combined all my ingredients and got them seasoned correctly (This sauce is really good as well...would be great on chicken!). I over heard Chef saying everyone was using way to much Tabasco and her mouth was on FIRE, so I was careful not to add to much. I plated my finished product and presented it. "Very nice, not too spicy and has great texture." I was so happy with my work today! I even finished early enough to get my dished done before time was up! What a relief!
Well today defiantly boosted my confidence...but what does tomorrow have in store? Stay tuned in to read the results :)
Until next time!
-Chef Kass In Training
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